Thursday, October 11, 2018


    When a project is killed or changed in a drastic way, it’s impossible to know how the original vision would have played out.  We can gather some information here and there about the development of a project and get a feel for what it might have been however.  One of these projects I am going to discuss is the film “Batman Forever”.  Now, “Batman Forever” did actually get made, by it was originally developed with the idea that Tim Burton would once again direct the sequel.  Tim Burton had grown tired of the Batman franchise and his clashes with Warner Bros. over his vision of what the films should look like.  Burton preferred a more adult and gothic theme while the studio wanted to veer towards a more kids friendly direction.

    Warner Bros very much wanted to cross market the film.  This had proven successful for Batman in the past but business like McDonalds and Kenner reportedly didn’t feel comfortable with the direction Tim Burton went with “Batman Returns”.  A latex fetish inspired Catwoman and a disgusting perverted Penguin weren’t ideal figures for kids toys.  They wanted Warner Bros. to make a toned down “Batman Forever” and Warner Bros. wanted that sweet licensing money.  A compromise had to be made but Burton ultimately did what he felt best for all parties and walked away from the project.  Warner Bros. then hired Joel Schumacher and the studio got their tie-in money.

    What if Tim Burton had stayed on though?  Would have the film have changed that much?  Let us look at everything we know and go from there.  First of all, Tim Burton would have had to reach some sort of compromise with the studio.  That being said, they probably could have settled for something more in line with his first “Batman” film which has a marketing juggernaut.  It would have ratained the gothic style but with some of the more disgusting and adult oriented themes toned down a notch.

    We also know the film would have only featured one main villain, The Riddler.  In the Schumacher film, Jim Carrey played the role in a very over the top and campy fashion.  One has to believe Burton’s Riddler would have been more or a deranged and calculating mad man.  He was set to have a question mark shaved into his scalp if that gives you any indication on his visual appearance.  The characters of Scarecrow and a returning Catwoman were also slated to appear at various states of development.

    As for the overall film, no script to my knowledge has leaked online which would tell us how everything would have played out.  It is possible no definitive script was written and the Tim Burton version never made it past brain storming.  We know that Tim Burton wanted this to be his last Batman movie and intended on capping everything off.  The film would have focused on themes of fear, redemption, and moving on from tragedy.  We also know he wanted the film to be called "Batman Continues" as opposed to "Batman Forever".  "Batman Forever" always sounded like a better title for a fourth film anyway.  Imagine the marketing department getting to design "Batman 4 Ever" merchandise.  I would also imagine it would have been very likely that Danny Elfman would have once again scored this film.

    Now if Tim Burton had returned, there is a very good chance Michael Keaton would have returned as Bruce Wayne/Batman as well.  He was attached to the project until Joel Schumacher took over and he disliked his direction of the franchise.  I liked Val Kilmer in the role but it would have been nice to see Micheal Keaton receive a proper send off.

    Michael Keaton would not have been the only returning cast member.  Michelle Pfeiffer was also expected to return as Selina Kyle/Catwoman at one point.  Warner Bros. were even developing a spin-off for Pfeiffer which later became the Halle Berry starring train wreck.  Billy Dee Williams would have also likely returned but only as Harvey Dent since Two-Face wasn't set to be a villain in is version.  Tommy Lee Jones was later recast in the role.  Also, like in the Schumacher films, Michael Gough and Pat Hingle would have returned as Alfred Pennyworth and James Gordon.

   Despite not loving the character, Tim Burton had plans to include the character of Dick Grayson/Robin as far back as his first film.  He would later get cut from both films but his inclusion was so close to happening in "Batman Returns" that an actor was cast for the role and signed for a contract which included "Batman Returns" and "Batman Forever".  Marlon Wayans was ultimately Tim Burton's actor of choice.  The part later was recast with Chris O'Donnell as Robin but Wayans still got a sweet paycheck as part of a play or pay deal.

    The new characters the film was set to introduce was The Riddler filling in as the main antagonist.  Now only two names were thrown around as serious choices for Tim Burton, Robin Williams and Mickey Dolenz.  Robin Williams would likely have turned the role down since he turned it down for Schumacher as well.  He was upset at being used as bait to score Jack Nicholson in the first "Batman" movie.  This leaves Mickey Dolenz as the likely person to have been picked by Tim Burton.  Mickey Dolenz is most famous as a member of the group "The Monkees" although he is actually a pretty great actor as well.  Would Warner Bros. have been okay with a member of an older rock band as their co-lead?  I can't imagine they would be happy.  (Although I love the choice).  The secondary villain of Jonathan Crane/Scarecrow was being eyed for Chucky himself, Brad Dourif.  Dourif plays creepy so well that this would have been a fantastic choice.

    Lastly, Burton had actually cast a new lead actress in the role of Dr. Chase Meridian.  Rene Russo was going to star opposite Micheal Keaton.  Unfortunately for Russo, when Keaton was replaced with Kilmer, she was deemed "too old" for him and Nicole Kidman was later cast to replace her.

    There is so much mystery revolving this project but it is still fun to think what might have been.  In another world, "Batman Continues" would have been released over "Batman Forever".  It's hard to say if it would have been good but it would have definitely been different.  Thanks for reading this post and I hope you enjoy the rest of my blogs.  Have a good day!


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