Monday, October 22, 2018

“Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back” Movie Review

    I could not wait to watch “Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back” as a kid.  I had just seen the original Star Wars film and could not wait to watch the sequel.  I was eager to see what adventures Luke Skywalker and the gang would get into next.  My anticipation was through the roof.
    Now, The Empire Strikes Back is famous now for being one of the few sequels to be considered superior over the original.  It often makes critics top ten lists and fans loved the film.  That wasn’t necessarily the case when the film first premiered though.  The Empire Strikes Back was first met with mixed reviews from critics who didn’t like the dark tone the series was heading into.
    The film sees a regrouped Imperial navy and army hammering the Rebellion until it has to flee it’s current base on Hoth.  The group separates as Luke goes to train on Dagobah with Yoda while Han, Leia and the rest of the gang hide in Cloud City with Lando Calrissian.  Things don’t end well for out heroes and the film ends on a huge cliffhanger.
    Mark Hamill, Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher, Alec Guinness, Peter Mayhew, Anthony Daniels, Kenny Baker, David Prowse, and James Earl Jones all return from the previous film.  Billy Dee Williams joins the cast as the sly and charming Lando Calrissian.  Williams had auditioned for the role of Han Solo in the first film.  Frank Oz also joins the cast as the lovable and wise Jedi Master Yoda.
    George Lucas stepped aside and let Irvin Kershner direct Empire for him.  The film, like A New Hope, featured remarkable, state of the art, special effects that still hold up today.  The battle of Hoth remains breathtaking and exciting.  The score was also remarkably strong and on par with the first movie.
    The film is most famous for it’s grand revelation that remains one of the most famous and shocking twists of all time.  It’s often lampooned now and referenced but at the time, it was a literal jaw dropper no one saw coming.
    The film also introduced one of the greatest (and weirdest) love triangles ever put on film.  Everything about the film was daring though.  To end the film on such a moral low and showing that the good guys don’t always win was not something a popcorn film had done before.  The Empire Strikes Back changed cinema and changed the Star Wars saga in it’s second outing.

Grade: A+

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