Sunday, October 14, 2018

“Fire in the Sky” Movie Review

    I watch far too many alien and UFO documentaries in my free time.  I can’t count how many times I have looked up videos showing “real” footage of aliens and UFOs on YouTube.  There are so many famous accounts of alien contact, from the Betty and Barney Hill case to the Travis Walton case and beyond.  The movie “Fire in the Sky” explores the Travis Walton case and depicts what he claims he went through.
    Billed as “based on the true story”, the film shows the events surrounding Travis Walton’s abduction by aliens in 1975.  His co-workers who were traveling with him at the time witnessed the UFO and the abduction.  The men were then interrogated by Lt. Frank Watters who wanted to find out what “really” happened.  Regardless of what people believed, Walton did disappeared for five days in real life.
    D.B. Sweeney portrays Travis Walton in the film convincingly.  His pain, trama, and confusion are all conveyed frighteningly well to the extent that you feel like you are going through it as well.  James Garner plays Frank Watters as a true non believer who isn’t left with many options but to believe in the unbelievable.  Sci-if icon Robert Patrick also delivers a solid performance.
    The problem with films like this is that it succeeds or fails based on if you believe in the subject matter.  Without believeing in extraterrestrial life, there isn’t much to be scared about.  Even if you believe in alien life, the story also depends on if Travis Walton was telling the truth.  To this day, it is one of the most famous and credible stories of alien abduction.  There is no way to prove the event happened though.  Since it takes a more factual based approach on the events, it plays like more of a biography and less like a science fiction film.  “The X-Files” managed to balance the genres in a more entertaining fashion.
    “Fire in the Sky” is an interesting film regardless if you believe or not.  It is just not the most spellbinding film either.  If you believe in alien life, it’s definitely worth a watch.  If you don’t, it might just leave you scratching your head.

Grade: C+

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