Saturday, October 13, 2018

"The Mummy" (2017) Movie Review

    Universal Studios released “Dracula Untold” a few years back.  That film was meant to be tha start of a new Universal Studios Monsters shared universe.  When that film didn’t perform the way they hoped, the studio then announced Tom Cruise was going to head a new Mummy reboot which would now be the official launch of their “Dark Universe”.  The studio was counting on the Mummy brand and the star power of Tom Cruise to knock their new Mummy film out of the park.
    The main problem is that the film didn’t need to be rebooted.  The Brendan Fraser films weren’t that old and still fondly liked by many movie goers.  Plus Tom Cruise doesn’t have the domestic star power he once had.  Now this doesn’t necessarily effect the movie’s quality, but it shows how out of touch their marketing division was.  Plus, I don't think handing the keys of a huge franchise over to an unproven director like Alex Kurtzman was wise.  Kurtzman is best known as a screenwriter and has co-written hits like "Star Trek" with Roberto Orci.
    “The Mummy” is basically a typical Tom Cruise action film with some mummies thrown in.  The horror elements are almost non existent.  Now, the Stephen Sommers “Mummy” movies also focused on action but remembered it was based on a horror film and included some intended frights. 
    Setting the movie in the present also took away some of the unique qualities of the other films.  I can’t help but think this was for budgetary reasons or the writers were out of touch.  “The Mummy” works best set in the past because it’s easier to suspend your disbelief when modern technology isn’t involved.
    The Mummy is played by Sofia Boutella this time around.  Boutella is one of the few highlights of the film. I don’t like when films change genders of characters as part of a gimmick, but Boutella enhances the film and their is reasoning behind the gender swap.
    The saddest part is this was an unnecessary reboot to a franchise that could otherwise use some refreshing.  “The Shape of the Water” was the “Creature From the Black Lagoon” that Universal should have made.  “The Mummy” may have permanently ruined the Dark Universe but maybe like these monsters, it’s better if it stays dead, at least for now.

Grade: D

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