Thursday, October 11, 2018

"Ready Player One" Movie Review

    “Ready Player One” was a film I was very much looking forward to.  It looked as though it might be a return to form for Steven Spielberg.  Spielberg has spent most of his recent years directing films like “Lincoln” and “The Post”.  While these films were good, I miss old school Spielberg.  I don’t think I am alone either, I think everyone sort of misses old school Spielberg.
    Well, I guess the most important thing about the movie is that it’s pretty fun.  It is sort of a hybrid of “Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory” and “The Matrix”.  In the film, in part due to poor circumstances, most people live their lives in The Oasis, a digital world where you can do almost anything.  The creator of The Oasis passed away but left three Easter eggs to be found in the game.  If you find all three Easter eggs, you can gain control of the Oasis in the real world (meaning you would gain a vast wealth).
    The film is lead by Tye Sheridan who does a stellar job.  Ben Mendelsohn and Mark Rylance also give strong performances.  Discussing the performances leads to a problem I have with the film.  Most of the film is set in The Oasis and while in there, the lead actors are cgi avatars.  The avatars for each character tends to look on the goofy side and it is a little distracting.
    The film relies heavily on nostalgia, and particularly 1980s nostalgia.  For a movie buff, this is fun.  Little nods like a Zemeckis bomb (named for Robert Zemeckis) are fun.  Non film buffs may get s little lost in the constant references however.  Plus, it gets to a point that so many nostalgic images are thrown at you that it is hard to process and keep up with.
    There are definitely stand out parts that are incredible in themselves.  The level featuring the inclusion of scenes from “The Shining” are masterfully done.  I also enjoyed The Iron Giant playing such an important role.  I also thought the score was top notch.
    “Ready Player One” may not be Spielberg’s best film, but he is still miles ahead of other filmmakers in making an entertaining popcorn film.  Sometimes you just need to have some fun.

Grade: B+

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