Sunday, October 7, 2018

"How it Ends" Movie Review

    Sometimes you are at home, bored, with nothing new that you are in the mood to watch so you decide to hit up Netflix or Hulu to see what new offerings they have.  In this case, Netflix had a new film titled “How It Ends” that seemed like it could be decent.  I mean, Forest Whitaker was in it, it had to be at least okay.  I had no idea what I was getting into.
    First of all, the film is about Theo James and Forest Whitaker trying to find James’ wife (and Whitaker’s daughter) across the country after an apocalyptic event occurs.  Now an apocalyptic event could be interesting to explore, right?  Well, don’t expect any interesting exploration into what caused the apocalypse because no information is given.  The characters barely seem curious about it.  That is literally about all there is to the movie.  Some talking and people getting sick.  From what?  Who knows or cares!  This movie sure doesn’t.
    The cast really doesn’t elevate the film either.  I actually think Theo James has promise given the right role but this sure wasn’t it.  He just seemed to be phoning in his performance.  James wasn’t the only one guilty of this because Forest Whitaker gave one of the worst performances of his career.  He just seemed uninterested in the project.  He was better in “Battlefield Earth”.
    Then comes the final act of the film.  It plays out for a bit and then the film just ends.  It literally seems like the filmmakers either ran of steam and just ended the film wherever and figured no one could stay awake that long.  I guess in the long run, “How It Ends” doesn’t matter since the filmmakers didn’t feel it mattered, let’s just be grateful that it finally did end.

Grade: F

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