Monday, October 22, 2018

“Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi” Movie Review

    I don’t know if there will ever be a movie trilogy as fondly loved as the original Star Wars trilogy.  From the beginning to end, it felt like each movie could hold their own as individual films yet also were pieces in a bigger puzzle.  Return of the Jedi served as the final piece in that puzzle.
    After a successful rescue of Han Solo, Luke Skywalker sets off in a final attempt to seek out the good in his father while Solo and Leia lead an effort to destroy the Empire once and for all.  Along the way, revelations are made that will change the lives of our main characters forever.
    It’s no secret that Return of the Jedi is viewed by many as the weakest chapter in the original trilogy.  Many fans say that the inclusion of the Ewoks hurt the film for them.  Many claimed the Ewoks were only put into the movie to sell toys.  Well, I don’t disagree with this but I would argue that George Lucas planned every character with an eye on toys and merchandising.  What Star Wars character doesn’t have a toy in some form?  I personally liked the Ewoks and thought they enhanced the narrative.
    Return of the Jedi is my favorite chapter partly because it caps off the stellar saga so perfectly.  Nothing feels left out and every character has some sort of resolution.  It was also one of the most emotional chapters in the Star Wars saga.
    The film features the returning cast of Mark Hamill, Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher, Billy Dee Williams, Alec Guinness, Peter Mayhew, Anthony Daniels, Kenny Baker, James Earl Jones, David Prowse, and Frank Oz.  The film introduces Ian McDiarmid as the puppeteer of Darth Vader and the Empire, the Sith Master Emperor Palpatine.  All the original stars are given their moments to shine and McDiarmid makes for a deliously evil manipulator.
    It should be noted that the movie was greatly enhanced with Harrison Ford’s involvement which was at one point in doubt (hence the ending of The Empire Strikes Back).  Luckily a solid script, some convincing, and a butt load of money led him to once again reprise the role of Han Solo.
    This film is the one perhaps hurt most by the special edition treatment.  George Lucas inserted a silly song into the Jabba’s Palace scene and a few other pointless additions that were more distracting than helpful.  Perhaps the most controversial change was replacing Sebastian Shaw with Hayden Christensen as Anakin Skywalker’s force ghost.  It feels out of place.
    Interestingly, there were a lot of changes to the original story of Return of the Jedi before filming began.  At one point, the film was to end with Luke placing the Darth Vader mask onto his own head and declaring that he was now Darth Vader.  Harrison Ford also continued his lobbying to have Han Solo die at the end.
    The film is one of my all time favorites and it boils down to the emotional battle between Luke and Darth Vader.  It’s a touching story of a son not only trying to save the soul of his dark and twisted father.  It’s the story of never giving up on someone no matter how bleak things seem.  Ultimately, it’s among the best stories of hope ever put to film.

Grade: A+

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