Monday, October 8, 2018

”Evil Dead 2: Dead By Dawn” Movie Review

    After my first time watching “The Evil Dead”, I really wanted to see what was next in the Evil Dead universe so that brought me to “Evil Dead 2: Dead By Dawn”.  The sequel remains many people’s favorite film in the franchise and I can definitely see why.
    “Evil Dead 2: Dead By Dawn” is an interesting film because it acts as a remake and a sequel.  I imagine this was done partly to showcase the increased budget (which was still extremely low).  I can’t really think of too many other films ambitious enough to attempt that even to this day.  It worked pretty well for this movie since it (along with the first film) had a rather simplistic plot.
    The sequel is also interesting because it had a different tone than the first film.  While the original film was straight up horror (with some unintentional comedic elements), the sequel has a lighter more comedic tone.  At times acting as a parody of horror films while never totally lampooning the genre, “Evil Dead 2” succeeds in delivering something different.
    The cast is once again led by survivor Ash, played  again by the legendary Bruce Campbell.  Campbell seemed more comfortable this time around.  This film also allowed Bruce Campbell to showcase his impressive slap stick comedic abilities.  The rest of the cast was an improvement over the first film but no other real standouts.
    Sam Raimi took great advantage of the fact he had an increased budget.  His style was really taking shape by this film.  His camera work really helped enhance the film and tell the story.  Raimi remains one of my favorite filmmakers to date.  Plus, Raimi is from Michigan and set this film here so once again, he gets extra credit in my book.
    “Evil Dead 2: Dead By Dawn” certainly isn’t everyone’s cup of tea.  You definitely have to be in the mood for an over the top horror film.  When you have that craving though, “Evil Dead 2: Dead By Dawn” certainly hits the spot.

Grade: B+

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