Monday, August 26, 2019

RIP Demon Flash Bandit

    It seems like not that long ago, I was saddened to bring you news of my sweet dog Angel Zoom Smokey’s passing.  I am saddened to say that Demon Flash Bandit has passed away yesterday.  Demon Flash Bandit was more than just a dog to us, he was a brother and an important and beloved member of the online community throughout various websites such as Dogster (when it was a community friendly website) and his blog, Adventures of a Lead Dog which was written by my mother (but was ‘dictated’ to her by Demon).  His blog continued until her passing a few years back.
    Demon Flash Bandit was loved by many and will always be remembered fondly.  Both Demon and Angel were both huge inspirations on my blog work and impacted my taste in movies greatly.  I will greatly miss my four legged best friend.  Demon passed away in his sleep peacefully and he is now with his many friends and family across the rainbow bridge.  If you have a dog, make sure to give them a hug today.  Thank you for being there all these years for your family.  You were the best boy a person could have ever met.  Until we meet again, I miss you dearly Demon.
    Demon Flash Bandit will continue to have an impact on this blog and my life (and many other people’s lives as well).  Losing Demon was hard because he was like a brother to me, but I am glad he is free.

RIP Demon Flash Bandit

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