Tuesday, August 6, 2019

“Point Blank” Movie Review

    So I wanted to watch a new movie last week so I decided to see what Netflix had to offer and a movie called “Point Blank” was suggested to me by the streaming service.  I decided to take Netflix’s suggestion for a change and started watching the film.  I figured best case scenario I would enjoy it, worst case scenario I would have something interesting to say in my review.
    The film tells the story Abe as he flees the scene of a crime and ends up getting hit by an oncoming vehicle while waiting for his getaway driver (who happens to be his brother Mateo).  While in the hospital, Abe is treated by his nurse Paul.  When Mateo finds out Paul is treating Abe, he kidnaps Paul’s pregnant wife and informs Paul that if he ever wants to see her again, he will get Abe past security.  While Paul helps Abe escape successfully, things don’t exactly go as planned.
    I wish I had a lot of things to say about the film one way or another but the film was just rather bland to be honest.  I didn’t hate the film, but I didn’t love it either.  I can’t honestly say I expected the film to be a masterpiece, it is a Netflix original after all, but I still hoped I was wrong.
    Perhaps my hopes were heightened by the fact that two Marvel Cinematic Universe actors, Frank Grillo and Anthony Mackie, star in the film.  The pair do a good job with the material they were given but that isn’t a lot.  Grillo and Mackie do have a good chemistry together however.
    I guess the thing I took away from the film most was the bizarre action set pieces featured in the film.  While some of them might have sounded good on paper, on screen they just came across as awkward a lot of the time.  For instance, the fight scene in a car wash might have seemed like an original idea but it just seemed a bit silly in the film.  The film also had a very generic music score which certainly didn’t help set the mood.
    “Point Blank” has a fine cast but the rest of the film coasts on their charm.  It’s not a terrible film, but at least if it was, it might be so bad it’s good.

Grade: D+

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