Sunday, April 28, 2019

Autism Awareness Month: Making Movies Magic For Everyone

    April is national autism awareness month and though the month is almost over, I would like to spend a little time praising movie theaters that have special autism friendly film screenings.  Regardless of who you are, I can’t think of too many people who don’t enjoy catching a movie here and there.  The thing is, people with autism tend to be more sensitive to lights and noises so these special screenings are great ideas and a great way for everyone to experience the wonders of the cinema.
    It’s no secret that theaters are trying hard to keep their customers coming back.  With streaming services and physical media widely available shortly after a movie premieres in theaters, theater chains are pulling out all the stops to keep you coming back.  From reclining and heated seats to bars to free popcorn days and other discounts, theaters want you to feel more comfortable at their cinemas than you could at home.
    While all these little extras certainly help make the theater experience more enjoyable and every perk helps to get butts in those seats, it is crucial for theaters to not overlook the personal touches.  Having events like autism friendly screenings is a way to show that theaters haven’t forgotten that their customers are more than their worth in cash and should be treated accordingly.
    As someone who has loved ones and friends with autism, I really value and appreciate the fact that theaters go the extra mile to make the movie going experience more inclusive for everyone.  I wish more theaters would do special screenings like this.  As autism month comes to an end, I would encourage everyone with a loved one or friend with autism to seek out one of these screenings and share a movie going experience with them soon!

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