Monday, July 22, 2019

“NASA: A Journey Through Space” Television Review: To Binge or Not to Binge

    A few days ago marked the fiftieth anniversary of the Apollo 11 moon mission so I wanted to wait and post my review for “NASA: A Journey Through Space” on the actual anniversary of the mission in honor of mankind’s accomplishment.  Of course, the anniversary of mankind’s accomplishment also happened to fall on days I worked so this post is a little late.  Thankfully, the good folks at Mill Creek Entertainment provided me with this review copy for which I am very grateful for.
    This series tells the story of the events that led to formation of NASA and everything that follows.  From exploring writers and filmmakers fascination with landing on the moon to actually doing so, this series provides information into the minds that helped push towards space exploration.  Each episode focuses primarily on specific milestones in the history of NASA.  For instance, there is an episode about the events focusing on the Apollo 11 moon mission which is sandwiched between episodes detailing the events which led to the historic mission and what happened following it.
    Now, I know this description of the show isn’t super specific but in all honesty, it’s not easy to sum up this show because it covers so much time and detail that unless I wrote a summery of each episode specifically, I would be doing this series a disservice.  You might be asking why, and the answer is rather simple, the show is a documentary which packs a lot of history and information into each episode and there is very little fluff to be found.
    I have been known to watch my fair share of shows on the History Channel (okay, okay, mainly the show “Ancient Aliens” but that show is still technically on the History Channel) and to me, this series felt a lot like a show which would air on the History Channel.  The series is narrated by Coby Batty (who does a fairly good job changing accents when necessary).  Batty is known for his work narrating documentaries and he does a good job with this series as well.
    So, as you might already know, when it comes to my tv shows, I normally try to do my reviews based on the series as a whole (which admittedly is a lot easier when dealing with a mini-series).  While I probably wouldn’t have enjoyed this series as much when I was in school, I have grown and enjoy educational shows and movies far more now.  I also think that this is the type of show that is important for someone to watch even if they don’t find it as fun as something else.
    So, in honor of the giant step mankind made fifty years ago, I am proud to recommend binge watching this series.  Somehow, we managed the impossible and it’s fascinating seeing how we managed to do so.

Overall Grade: B
To Binge or not to Binge Verdict: BINGE

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