Friday, May 3, 2019

"Night School" Movie Review

    My girlfriend recently rented the film “Night School” from Family Video for us to watch.  Neither of us are the biggest Kevin Hart fans in the world but the film looked entertaining so we figured what the heck.  After finishing the film, I knew this was a film I just had to review, but perhaps not for clear cut reasons.
    The film follows Teddy Walker and we learn from the first scene (and as the title suggests) that Teddy doesn’t end up finishing High School and ends up without a diploma.  This doesn’t seem to be a huge problem for him as we flash forward to him ten years plus later and he is a successful salesman.  All things look good for his future as he is set to inherit the business he works for but an unfortunate accident leaves him in desperate need for a new job.  Unfortunately for Teddy, to get a decent job, he is going to have to get his High School diploma.
    Let me start off by saying this wasn’t a terrible film but it also wasn’t a great movie.  The film received mixed reviews and it is easy to see why.  The film is a comedy but it didn’t leave me in stitches.  Most of the funniest moments of the film are derived from gross out moments.  I don’t mind comedies like that but it isn’t everyone’s cup of tea.
    The premise of “Night School” isn’t terrible and allows for some funny moments but it also isn’t entirely original either.  Several earlier movies already told similar stories and were funnier.  Take a film like “Back to School”, it came out decades ago and still stands the test of time and is funnier as a whole than “Night School”.
    The biggest problem with the film is Kevin Hart.  I have learned a little Kevin Hart goes a long way.  Every movie I have seen him in that I have enjoyed, he has a supporting role.  His humor seems to be best paired with a straight man like Dwayne Johnson.  He is gifted at playing annoying characters which can be funny but not as a lead.  In this respect, I feel Hart overvalues his comedic ability at times.  Of course, films like this feel like he accepted the role for the paycheck over it being a passion project.
    One saving grace for this film could have been it’s supporting cast and while the film is filled with gifted comedians, they aren’t given much time to shine.  Another missed opportunity with this film is having a clear message or moral but even in this area, the film is messy and lacks direction.
    “Night School” isn’t the worst film you could watch and provides some laughs, but there are also plenty of older films which pack more bang for your dollar.

Grade: C+

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