Wednesday, May 8, 2019

“Area 51” Movie Review

    I remember reading about a planned found footage Area 51 film around a decade ago and that got me super excited at the thought of what it could be.  I grew up fascinated with the idea of alien life and UFOs.  Aliens scared the heck out of me but I found myself drawn to the subject matter anyway.  I bought books and watched almost any show on the subject I could.  The 90s were a golden area for paranormal television shows with “Sightings” and “Unsolved Mysteries” specials providing insight into a world beyond ours.
    The movie follows three individuals who think they have done enough research to sneak into the secret government test facility in Groom Lake, Nevada known as Area 51.  The group manage to successfully gain access inside Area 51 only to find that the secrets the government stores in there are literally out of this world.
    The film was directed by Oren Peli who also directed “Paranormal Activity”.  “Area 51” is told in a very similar fashion to his previous hit and packs the same amount of suspense.  Instead of ghosts, Peli decided to focus on aliens which seems like an obvious win but for whatever reason, Paramount seemed to have cold feet when it came to releasing it because after the film was completed, the studio shelved it for years.  I forgot about it even though I really wanted to see it.
    After years of forgetting about the movie, I happened upon the horror/suspense section at my local Family Video store and saw this film for sale.  I was a bit thrown off by the fact that this film was even released, but seeing it for sale, I knew I had to pick it up.  I was glad I did.  “Area 51” wouldn’t be everyone’s cup of tea, but if you liked “Paranormal Activity” (which I did), this film is definitely worth checking out.  That being said, the slow pace won’t be able to hold everyone’s attention.
    “Area 51” is a win for those who enjoy alien conspiracies and the topic of UFOs as a whole.  Seeing this movie told through found footage makes it feel more realistic.  I think it is definitely a movie worth a rental at the very least.

Grade: B

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