Saturday, January 12, 2019

“Outlaw King” Movie Review

    I don’t generally get very excited for most original Netflix streaming movies.  For the most part, the films turn out alright but don’t wow me.  I was, however, curious about “Outlaw King” when it was released.  I figured that the film would at least be somewhatly educational.
    The film feels like a diet version of “Braveheart” and could be viewed as a semi-sequel to the Mel Gibson classic.  The film picks up after the death of Sir William Wallace as Robert the Bruce is forced to lead the Scottish forces against England in an attempt to gain their independence.
    Chris Pine delivers a surprisingly strong performance as Robert the Bruce, the legendary warrior and King of the Scots.  Pine delivers an authentic performance and has a commanding and sympathetic presence.  The film relies primarily on the strength of Pine’s performance since most of the other roles are rather small in comparison.
    The problem with the film is that it’s scope seems limited quite a bit by it’s budget.  It’s a shame because their are some beautifully shot scenes.  With a slightly larger budget, I feel like this movie could have been on par with the scoop of a movie like “Braveheart” or “Gladiator”.
    The battle scenes are brutal and well done which is vital since the movie relies heavily on the brutality of war.  The movie ends abruptly which seems to be a rather common thread in Netflix original films.
    “Outlaw King” feels like a step in the right direction for Netflix but doesn’t quiet hit the mark.  If Netflix worked on their original films endings a little more, I would enjoy them more.  “Outlaw King” isn’t bad but it also doesn’t sell itself like it should.

Grade: C+

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