Saturday, January 12, 2019

Opinion: Why WWE Needs to Push Zack Ryder

    Zack Ryder hasn't been a relevant WWE talent for years now.  Though Ryder still has plenty of loyal fans like any WWE superstar, it's fair to say his star his diminished since he got himself over with his own YouTube show.  For whatever reason, the WWE writers don't seem to like the idea of fans getting behind the talents they don't shove down their throats.  Perhaps some fault actually lays with Vince McMahon and his odd personality quirks.  I guess in the end it doesn't matter because when Zack Ryder was on his hot streak and actually won the United States Championship, everything went downhill afterwards.  Although Zack Ryder has had some moments here and there including winning the Intercontinental Championship at Wrestlemania a few years back, he remains a talent WWE rarely utilizes.  In fact, since being drafted to Raw, he has only wrestled on the red brand once.  The thing is, Zack Ryder remains a charismatic personality and Ryder isn’t being given much reason to stay with WWE.
    WWE’s strangle hold over the industry is coming to an end.  Now, that doesn’t mean WWE doesn’t remain the premier place to wrestle, it does, but talent has other options.  As Cody (formly Cody Rhodes) has proven with his move to the independent circuit and helping form AEW, WWE isn’t the only game in town.  This should potentially concern WWE since Cody is close to Zack Ryder (Cody even convinced Ryder to ask out his current girlfriend).  Cody realizes Zack Ryder’s potential and has even recently reminded him via Twitter that people were chanting his name at Madison Square Garden even while The Rock was there.  The point is, Zack Ryder has options now.
    If WWE were wise, they would realize the potential star power Zack Ryder could provide before it’s too late (much like what happened when Cody Rhodes left).  With several toy related videos on YouTube, he remains valuable to the brand.  A push with him regaining the United States or Intercontinental Championship should be in order.  Give Zack Ryder a chance to shine again before he does so in AEW or Impact Wrestling.

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