Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Binge Watch: “Dogs on the Job”

    Sometimes I wonder how anyone could not love a dog.  Even when my dogs are driving me nuts, I still love them to death.  Now I realistically know people have their reasons, so I am kidding a bit, but I adore dogs and view my dogs as furry family members.  I watch a great deal of dog movies and tv shows as a result.  When I saw that Mill Creek Entertainment was releasing a DVD documentary set called “Dogs on the Job”, I had to check it out.  Mill Creek Entertainment generously provided me a review copy for me.
    “Dogs on the Job” is a seven part series with each episode focusing on different jobs that dogs still do to this day.  From police dogs to sled dogs, our furry best friends still provide a great deal of services for us.
    The documentary series goes into what each job consists of as well as some vital history about the importance of dogs doing the job.  For instance, the chapter entitled “Herding and Mushing” not only deals with why dogs still mush, it also tells the story of the 1925 diphtheria serum run to Nome, Alaska which saved countless lives.
    I focused on the episode “Herding and Mushing” because I happen to have two Siberian Huskies named Demon and Angel.  Both dogs were very popular on Dogster when it was still around and had their own loyal following.
    What I liked about the documentary is that it takes time to tell you what each job entails as well as showcasing information from people who actually do the jobs along with the animals (such as a ranch hand or musher) to get their expert insight.  It is easy to give information off but the interviews help give the jobs some real world context.  All and all, this DVD set is worth getting if you are a dog lover!

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