Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Merry Christmas 2019

    It’s that time a year again and boy did it seem to come out of nowhere.  One minute it’s Thanksgiving and then bam, it’s already Christmas.  It hasn’t been an easy year for me but I have also been blessed with amazing people in my life who have been there for me in some of my darkest hours.
    Christmas time is difficult for me, having lost my oldest brother and parents.  The only immediate family I have left is my one older brother who needs help taking care of himself.  Still, Christmas is a time to thankful for the things I have.  I have an amazing girlfriend who has helped me through the years even though it’s been more difficult for her.  She is beautiful and sweet and could be with anyone she wanted and yet she loves me.
    I started this blog as a sense of escapism to some degree.  I guess my love for cinema has also been a sense of escapism over the years.  Still, it is something I have enjoyed doing and I feel like I have grown as a writer over the last few years.
    Thank you to the people who support me, the people who read my blogs, people who also enjoy cinema in general, and for distribution companies like Mill Creek Entertainment who provided me review copies.  Thank you everyone and have a very Merry Christmas.

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