Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Editorial: The Perfect Audience

    What makes someone a compelling author?  Why do we feel like certain writers speak directly to us?  These are fascinating questions I ask myself every time I write something, rather it be a review or a humor piece.  Do I have an audience who enjoys my writing, my style?  The truth is that it doesn’t really matter.  The more I write, the more I realize that the important thing about writing is that I am doing it for myself.  I am writing to make myself happy and that’s where my voice has come from.
    Writing is like any art, you can’t write to please others so you might as well write to please yourself and hope your work speaks and connects to others.  This is an important lesson I learned from my mom.  My mother found her voice in writing from the perspective of our dogs of all things.  Her writing was funny and even inspirational and brought great joy to others but she always wrote based on what she enjoyed reading.
    I learned a lot from both my parents but my mother taught me to never give up on my dreams, no matter your age or interest.  Others who share your passion will follow in time and if they don’t, at least you created a piece of work you are proud of.  Your words and voice can never be replaced.

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