Friday, June 28, 2019

“Murder Mystery” Movie Review

    Sometimes there just isn’t a lot to watch that I haven’t already seen.  Short of perhaps going to the theaters, checking out the new releases on Netflix is sometimes the best option.  I had heard of a new Adam Sandler film on Netflix which supposedly set records for the streaming service titled “Murder Mystery”.  I was bored one night so I figured I would give it a shot and see if it lived up to Netflix’s hype.
    The film follows Nick Spitz and his wife Audrey on their fifteenth anniversary.  Audrey is frustrated with Nick because they have never taken a trip to Europe despite Nick promising her they would go at some point and she confronts him about it.  Nick, who is ashamed because he just failed his detective test, lies to Audrey and tells her a trip to Europe was his surprise anniversary present to her.  On the flight to Europe, Audrey meets billionaire Charles Cavendish who invites the couple on his yacht.  The pair agree that a yacht would be more fun then a cramped bus tour so they set off with Charles.  While on yacht, the couple meet all of Charles’ family and associates.  The plot thickens when Malcolm Quince, Charles’ uncle, declares that everyone but his new wife Suzi (and Charles’ ex) will be cut from his will.  Before he could sign his new will, the lights go out and Malcolm is dead.  What makes matters worse is that Nick and Audrey have become prime suspects and have to solve the crime to clear their names.
    Okay, now I know critics don’t tend to be kind towards Adam Sandler and in some cases, he has deserved the roasting, but I don’t hate him.  Yes, I am pretty sure he uses his production company as a tax write off for vacations as many people joke about but he has made a few decent films as a result.  How do I feel this movie stacks up?  Well, the movie has a decent story and ‘feels’ like a movie (a quality not present in every Netflix film).  So despite it being somewhat bland at times, the movie wasn’t terrible.
    Now, this movie is a prime example of the type of film Adam Sandler does now that most of his older fans wish he wouldn’t continue doing.  Why you might ask?  Well, while the movie isn’t terrible, it is a very ‘safe’ movie.  There are funny moments but most of the humor is derived from relatable situations like snoring or being cheap as opposed to Sandler’s quirky personality.  The reason people still love “Happy Gilmore” and “Billy Madison” so much is because they were Adam Sandler showcases, not because of their stories.  I personally wish Sandler wasn’t so safe anymore.
    The film stars Adam Sandler and Jennifer Aniston and the pair seem to be destined to be the king and queen of Netflix movies.  Sandler and Aniston reunite for this film and have a natural chemistry as a result.  Luke Evans is charming and dashing as usual.  It was nice seeing former Bond girl Gemma Arterton again.  I think the last film I saw her in was “Clash of the Titans”.  Lastly, seeing General Zod himself, Terence Stamp, was also a special treat.
    “Murder Mystery” is a decent yet safe comedy with some legitimate laughs sprinkled throughout.  The film won’t be a classic but I have seen worse comedies in theaters.  Ultimately, it’s worth a watch in my opinion.

Grade: C+

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