Tuesday, December 25, 2018

“Ralph Breaks the Internet” Movie Review

    “Wreck-It Ralph” was one of the more enjoyable non Pixar Disney releases over the last decade.  The film introduced the lovable protagonist Ralph who happened to be the antagonist in his own game.  The film dealt with self worth and the importance of non glamorous jobs.  It was a film both adults and children could connect with.  Unfortunately, the same can’t be completely said about it’s sequel, “Ralph Breaks the Internet”.
    Now, “Ralph Breaks the Internet” isn’t a bad film.  The story of the film is actually pretty original and enjoyable.  I liked that they went a different direction with the story.  A lot of sequels try to make a carbon copy of the first film and this film did not.  It tried to tell a different story of morality but that was also part of the problem I had with the film.  The film, at it’s core, deals with having to let go of someone you love if it’s better for them.  While this is something we all have to deal with, it makes the film feel somewhat depressing.  So the film’s theme ultimately feels too adult for most children yet the animation might be too childish for some adults.  I did like that the film was ambitious enough to try a different tone.
    Unlike the first film, the jokes in this film didn’t always land.  Maybe it was because most of the jokes tied into product placements which this movie was filled with.  I am talking obvious product placement as well which is something that shouldn’t be so in your face in a kid’s movie.  I was well aware of eBay before this movie but if I wasn’t, I would sure be now.  “Ralph Breaks the Internet” feels more like a commercial half the time over a real film.
    Luckily for this film, the characters were extremely lovable and this film, despite it’s faults, didn’t hurt that.  Just catching up with the characters was refreshing and worth the price of admission.  The voice cast once again helps add to the character’s charm.  John C Reilly and Sarah Silverman have great chemistry and sound as if they were friends for years.
   “Ralph Breaks the Internet” doesn’t live up to the first movie but is worth a watch.  Just be aware that this movie deals with serious themes that children might not have much interest in.  The film also has kind of a bummer ending for an animated film.  Ultimately, I feel like this movie was worth the admission but perhaps not all the praise it received.

Grade: C+

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